Thursday, February 8, 2007

My Big Projects: As apart of BHM and my senior thesis I am
researching the n-
word. I want to go to a BSU meeting and ask that we have a
discussion about this
topic. I asked Jasmine Nears to give me the contact info
for their advisor that
wrote the poem-"nigga" because she had mentioned that she
led a group of
highschoolers in a discussion of those words. So I will ask
her for assistance.
After I go to BSU with the discussion, I would like to
invite BSU to participate in a
larger fishbowl discussion with other students. I think
that the fishbowl technique
will be highly relevant because the word causes people to
react and act and
respond vividly. I think that the fishbowl will also allow
the observers to
demonstrate that the tensions or feelings behind this word
are palpable and visible
when being discussed. I think that this event will be an
important step in the
dialogue that William Berry spearheaded with his newspaper
article a semester ago.
I would want to have the fishbowl someplace that is intimate
and yet structured,
perhaps the MCC would be a good place. I also like the way
that it is on the res
side, which is closer to home life.
I would like to record the event; my professor is going to
let me borrow his video
camera...I am not sure if it will be uncomfortable for
people to hAVE T that playing,
or if they will be able to let it slide into the backgroud.
I would want to have the
discussion last for maybe 45 minutes, an hour, and then have
some time to
process over snacks. So I will need to go to belcon or
somewhere for money for
this event. I think that I should make people as
comfortable as possible in their
environment so that theyu can be more open.
I am waiting back on Jasmine at this point to get the ball

1 comment:

Stacy Whitcomb said...

I think that this idea seems really great. That word is something that is heard in the halls of Beloit Memorial High School and every other high school and places in the US. By doing the documentary and having the discussion, I think you will get very realistic answers to this situation and problem. I also liked the article that you had posted about how they had a funeral for the n word. I hope that it helps the society and will be a leading role model for other people and places. Are you going to be doing a symposium on this? I think this would be very powerful and a way to reach a lot of people about this issue.