Sunday, February 18, 2007

right now this blog should be called "thoughts of a stressed out scholar" I am about 76 pages in to the novel. Several of people I asked knew the novel, maybe 2.3 had read it. Still interested in doing the semi circle activity.
This activity

Reading "Black LIke Me". I got this book from Michael Merry, along with three others. This book is in a narrative form. Very gripping. John Howard Griffin has turned himself black for his novel.He experiences intense fear after his transformation, and also begins to feel as if he can not sit as an equal in another white person's presence. Likewise. He reveals his inital skin color to two other people, his friends at the shoe shine stand. I do not remember their names, which could be a sign of intital character underdevelopment. Griffin assures that ... This maybe be potential ...

I also ordered a book at the library called "Ten Little Niggers." By Agatha christie.
I wonder what part of me is really compelling this project. Realizing the suckiness of partitioning time.
Trying to make poems ryhme.

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