Thursday, March 22, 2007

the libation ceremony-

when I attended the Soul Food dinner- there was listed on
the program "libation ceremony."

I had only heard this word used in one other context, and
that was in an inviation to get drinks at the bar.

A ways into the evening, the libation ceremony began.
Phylis began by saying that the ceremony had African roots and was in remembrance of the past. During the ceremony, we were to recall the

Monday, March 19, 2007

Need to confirm MCC and Gallery abba. Tomorrow I will begin to film my short video loop using the books and interviews I have learned from about skin color.

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

today i visited the theater arts dept and discovered that Mallats Pharmacy in Madison carries skin altering makeup- mehron and Ben Nye.

I will search for closer places- but these were reccommended to me.

I still haven't heard back form Jacki Ludlowese about booking the Halles Gallery for my project. As an alternative, I am looking at the Java joint or parts of the library as other possible locations. Perhaps the write but.... no one really goes over there.

I heard that Bills class had the halles during graduation- I am a littlwe bunbed- bu that just goes to show you that the early bird gets the worm.

Also ventured down to united first methodist church (VOTING site) to find out where they get their booths from. Apparently city hall drops them off to the voting station. Tomorrow I will call to inquire about the voting booths. I would like to use them fir the music part of my project.They were closed by the time I got to calling today.

I also need to look at buying the 2 Live crew album. I think that I will put out a campus email- maybe bill will send it out for me so I can locate these cds and not have to buy it- becauise I don not like the music anyway.

Thinking madonna for the comparison, but still keeping my options open-trying to explore more popular 90s music. also thinking Nirvan's "rape me" as a possible contender, but I know that that song received some criticsm and limited airplay.

Wednesday, March 7, 2007

got several supplies today
three sizes of very thin sheet glass

Sunday, March 4, 2007


I promise to keep in touch. Sometimes I forget to do that.


"nigger" by randal kennedy

along with
"why do black people use the n-word"
along with a few other "referencial" materials will be assembled between two wire book ends to create the effect of a library bookshelf. I want the piece to feel bookish.

Somethin I find interesting is when a black student told me that they didn;t like answering questions about being black.
I think that this phenomenon attests to two things-a lot of white people at Beloit didn;t go to school around black people, and people don;t like speaking as a race, so they wil refer to books instead. I was told that I should read more books - after asking questions rather frequently.

This interested me because i do not think that books are as authentic as people's read world experiences. With "Black Like Me" I felt that the book seemed too fictional to me, despite the fact that it was supposed to be a documentary. it seemed to dryly written to make the character's , scene's tensions, and life become vivid, and too personal to be a documentary. So I guess that that is the true fashion of a documentary. People believe they are true based on the style and not so much on the content. there is blair witch, and that other really bazar documentar, oh yeah, louis bunel.

It seems so strange to me to ask someone for their personal experience and then be refered to books. Maybe they do not understand that I want to educate myself by talking to others.

Some black students will say that books have failed then-because they are not represented in the Euro-centric literature. do they think that they are always represented how they would want to be in literature.

I think that I will ask to host a discussion at BSU about black people represented in Literature.
I will bring in my little borrowed library to show them.

afrocentric schooling

The recent talk by Raton was the second time I heard him speak.
What was most striking to me was his rhetoric. One of my friends called it nationalist.
he said that he found it hard to believe that it was an African identity Raton was selling because there are so many nations of Africa how can one have an identity that encompases all.

his school works, because students go- but I think that-after seeing him speak twice- his rhetoric is used to acculturate people into this very strick mind set.

In this video- I will have a loop that will play a portion of his speeh. certains words will be repeated and relooped subtly to draw attention to the repition and tone of his rhetoric and the effect it creates.


Beloit and Beloit college

who are the criminals?
who are these individuals punished for their behavior: usage of drugs alcohol-violence-cheating-poor performance?

how to represent this one? I am not sure yet

2 live crew

Need 2 live crew cd, maddonna cd from 1990 or about that time.

Need two walkmans with headphones

If you dont know about this trial you should find out. In 1990 2 live crew's album bad as they wanna be was banned in Florida. demographics of the city 80% white 20%-black. Henry Louis gates Junior argues essentially for a cultural difference between white and black music. signifyin(g).

"Black LIke Me"

Read "Black Like Me"

after talking with my mom, it was decided that it would not be the best idea to travel to Mississippi and then New Orleans by my self. I wanted to visit some of the places that Griffin did in his journey through the South in 1954 as a dark skinned man. Ya see, griffin changed the color of his skin from light to dark with the help of medication. At any rate. For this represnetation, I would like to get a foam head that people can smear black paint onto . Or just some sort of large head or several heads of some sort.

I should do a symposium.I have been too much likewhats his name, that one that thinks too much and his dad was kind but then uncle steps in and he wasts too much time thinking about what he is going to do than actually doing it... this semester.

Saturday, March 3, 2007


as a follow up to this exhibit I hope to have a discussion with my students about racism. I mean, candice's bM students. I would like to have them draw out a picture of what racism is. The discussion will come first though.


Remember talking about Crooks in "Of Mice and Men?"
-he had the dictionary and 1916 law code
-he was a realistic man
-what was his job like (stable buck)

do you think that some characters were racist towards Crooks?

do you think that some characters were racist towards the other white characters?

do these things still happen today?

How so?

Call CAndace tomorrow and shoot for friday for this.
Get note cards. crayons
Call Mrs Zelner

cost: $6.00

Thursday, March 1, 2007

ok. i feel like i am done collecting research at this point.

The project I have decided to pursue is going to be called the "re-education" of Rachel Novak. It is going to be a Halles Gallery exhibit, which will contain several artifacts, at least 6, no more than 10 that represent my process of learning about blackness and whitness- in general-things that I really didnt learn about until I came to college.
Part personal part informational, each exhibit will be catalogued (that is where the 35 pages of writing come in).

The exhibit is going to be multimedia- I want to be able to run video, have free standing pictures or paintings, papers with music.

The ultimate point of the exhibit is to educate others, and to allow them to interact with the pieces. Perhaps there will be an opportunity to create ones own pieces to leave in the exhibit.

i do not know if hales gallery will be a big enough place for the exhibit. nor do I know how to go about finding a bunch of tvs that could stay in place for two or three days.

I am going to make the rounds today to talk with people at the wright museum of art, and also at pearsons to look at my options. I have an A.V appt at 1:00.

I realized this idea last night when I attended the word as performance event. the event was a hodgepodge of this classes experiences,or realizations about their roles in civil rights movements, or living in the south, or attending beloit memorial and coming to college as a person representing beloit. There were others, but the one about being from beloit struck a cord with me. the three individuals that gave the performance are all from beloit. Since teaching in the school, i feel that I have really gotten to know the community throught the students that i intercted with every day. they really taught me about beloit.

I hope to conduct some interviews at the highschool over break, since I will be free and here, and they will be in session too.
I will interview candace link based off of a sheet she filled out about beloit memorial highschool.
I would also like to have the students make some sort of thing that represents their feelings or thought about the city they live in. This is up to cadace though.

Right now, these are my ideas for exhibits.

@ 2 Live Crew Obsenity trial
@teaching in the community
@ some poetry I had written
@ word as performance
@presentation of certian books i have read
@interactions with student unions: BSU and another group that meets on fridays
@blyden delaney afro centric school

that is where I am at right now.
Favorably, i would like to have a gallery space in the wright. I held that art opening there, so maybe she will be up for this.

Today is the day I shall find out.