Sunday, March 4, 2007

"Black LIke Me"

Read "Black Like Me"

after talking with my mom, it was decided that it would not be the best idea to travel to Mississippi and then New Orleans by my self. I wanted to visit some of the places that Griffin did in his journey through the South in 1954 as a dark skinned man. Ya see, griffin changed the color of his skin from light to dark with the help of medication. At any rate. For this represnetation, I would like to get a foam head that people can smear black paint onto . Or just some sort of large head or several heads of some sort.

I should do a symposium.I have been too much likewhats his name, that one that thinks too much and his dad was kind but then uncle steps in and he wasts too much time thinking about what he is going to do than actually doing it... this semester.

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