Sunday, March 4, 2007

"nigger" by randal kennedy

along with
"why do black people use the n-word"
along with a few other "referencial" materials will be assembled between two wire book ends to create the effect of a library bookshelf. I want the piece to feel bookish.

Somethin I find interesting is when a black student told me that they didn;t like answering questions about being black.
I think that this phenomenon attests to two things-a lot of white people at Beloit didn;t go to school around black people, and people don;t like speaking as a race, so they wil refer to books instead. I was told that I should read more books - after asking questions rather frequently.

This interested me because i do not think that books are as authentic as people's read world experiences. With "Black Like Me" I felt that the book seemed too fictional to me, despite the fact that it was supposed to be a documentary. it seemed to dryly written to make the character's , scene's tensions, and life become vivid, and too personal to be a documentary. So I guess that that is the true fashion of a documentary. People believe they are true based on the style and not so much on the content. there is blair witch, and that other really bazar documentar, oh yeah, louis bunel.

It seems so strange to me to ask someone for their personal experience and then be refered to books. Maybe they do not understand that I want to educate myself by talking to others.

Some black students will say that books have failed then-because they are not represented in the Euro-centric literature. do they think that they are always represented how they would want to be in literature.

I think that I will ask to host a discussion at BSU about black people represented in Literature.
I will bring in my little borrowed library to show them.

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