Thursday, March 1, 2007

ok. i feel like i am done collecting research at this point.

The project I have decided to pursue is going to be called the "re-education" of Rachel Novak. It is going to be a Halles Gallery exhibit, which will contain several artifacts, at least 6, no more than 10 that represent my process of learning about blackness and whitness- in general-things that I really didnt learn about until I came to college.
Part personal part informational, each exhibit will be catalogued (that is where the 35 pages of writing come in).

The exhibit is going to be multimedia- I want to be able to run video, have free standing pictures or paintings, papers with music.

The ultimate point of the exhibit is to educate others, and to allow them to interact with the pieces. Perhaps there will be an opportunity to create ones own pieces to leave in the exhibit.

i do not know if hales gallery will be a big enough place for the exhibit. nor do I know how to go about finding a bunch of tvs that could stay in place for two or three days.

I am going to make the rounds today to talk with people at the wright museum of art, and also at pearsons to look at my options. I have an A.V appt at 1:00.

I realized this idea last night when I attended the word as performance event. the event was a hodgepodge of this classes experiences,or realizations about their roles in civil rights movements, or living in the south, or attending beloit memorial and coming to college as a person representing beloit. There were others, but the one about being from beloit struck a cord with me. the three individuals that gave the performance are all from beloit. Since teaching in the school, i feel that I have really gotten to know the community throught the students that i intercted with every day. they really taught me about beloit.

I hope to conduct some interviews at the highschool over break, since I will be free and here, and they will be in session too.
I will interview candace link based off of a sheet she filled out about beloit memorial highschool.
I would also like to have the students make some sort of thing that represents their feelings or thought about the city they live in. This is up to cadace though.

Right now, these are my ideas for exhibits.

@ 2 Live Crew Obsenity trial
@teaching in the community
@ some poetry I had written
@ word as performance
@presentation of certian books i have read
@interactions with student unions: BSU and another group that meets on fridays
@blyden delaney afro centric school

that is where I am at right now.
Favorably, i would like to have a gallery space in the wright. I held that art opening there, so maybe she will be up for this.

Today is the day I shall find out.

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